
أتساءل: ما الذي تفعله امرأة تشعر انها بالصدفة، بالصدفة المحضة، بقيت على قيد الحياة؟ كيف تسلك في الدنيا إن كان وجودها، كل السنين والشهور والأيام واللحظات الحلوة والمُرّة التي عاشتها، فضلَة حركة عشوائية لقدر غريب؟ كيف تسلك في الدنيا؟"

د. رضوى عاشور

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Things U can tell by just lookign at her!!

A strange long title for a movie, isn't it?! from the airing announcement i felt it's a good movie, and i should see it ... and i did.

*It starts with a policeman letting in a female detective - Kathy - to an appartment where she finds a nice looking lady - Carmen - laying down on the bed .. fully dressed .... but dead!! killed herself ... her eyes were open ... beautiful brown eyes ... the detective kneels beside her, with eyes filling up with tears..

*Then we see a woman - Dr. Keener - .. waking up so quietly ... goes to wake a very old sick lady up ... sits with her in the toilet ... that old woman bearly walks ... the woman is trying to reach some guy over the phone, but seems like he's not there .. and seems like it's not her first phone call not to be returned.
The door bell rings ... opens to a younger woman - Christine - .. looks a bit strange .. she lets her in.
The young lady starts shuffling Tarrot cards for the woman .. and when she picks her ten face-down cards .. she starts reading "her" cards ....
And here it totally got my undevided attention, for i've Never heard anything describes "Someone i know" more than this monolgue ... said by the cards' girl - Christine - alone:
You're not happy....
You're good at pretending that everything in your life is good,
and you give off a great sense of security and self-confidence, but...
you're not satisfied ... You don't know yourself well ... You're ... restless and unsettled ...
You're a great pretender...
You've been married, but you're presently divorced or separated ... You like to give the impression that you're happy to be by yourself, but in reality,You're mortified that your marriage failed ...You believe it's your fault that it failed, and... it may be so.
Regret... in that area has caused you a great deal of pain ...
You don't have any lifelong friends ...The friends you have you made while you were married,and you weren't close to them...
They were mostly your husband's friends.
Some of them wanted to be close to you, but they felt that you were inaccessible ...or that you were aloof. ...
And you're very secretive ... And you don't trust easily ...
And when you do let someone in, you later regret it, or resent them ...
I think that you feel that sooner or later everyone is a disappointment ...
You can be assertive and hands-on, especially in a crisis ...
But I think you live... in constant fear of tragedy...
You're very, very afraid of change ...
You've met a man? At work? Or..related to work that you're very taken with?Maybe you're even obsessed with him.But I don't think he's affectionate .. And he's not someone who is easy to get to know intimately....
And you should be careful about misunderstandings ..
because you have a tendency to become quickly infatuated, and then ...
you get embarrassed or depressed
because things didn't turn out the way you expected them to ...
You're a daydreamer....
And you should be careful because you definitely have a tendency... to set yourself up for falls ...
Dr. Keener:
(after answering a phone call)
Lately I've had the feeling that my life is going to change ... It's a very strong feeling .. Can you see that? I've been having ... dreams.
What kind of dreams?
Dr. Keener:
If there's bad news, I don't want you to tell me ... Just tell me about this year...
You seem to be very concerned with finding a man ... Someone who you can depend on ... Somebody who you can share your life with ... And there is a man who will be interested in you .
Dr. Keener:
The man you mentioned before? The one at work?
No, this is somebody you've never met .....
And she keeps describing the man for her ... then when Dr. Keener is showing her to the door .. she turns to her and say:
You know, Dr. Keener ... none of this is written in stone ... I mean, these are your cards today, but ... nothing happens without you.
Now after reading this dialogue; how relevant is it to you??
For me, regardless of that "man & Divorce" part i was never described more perfectly and deeply than this ...
The movie continues showing the lives of other women .. how their lives cross each others without really knowing each other ... and the suicide women in the begining of the movie .. appears in each woman's segment ... as if she's a link of some sort ... or her end is.
If you find it somehow relevant to you ..
watch the movie when it airs again :) you won't regret it ..

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