
أتساءل: ما الذي تفعله امرأة تشعر انها بالصدفة، بالصدفة المحضة، بقيت على قيد الحياة؟ كيف تسلك في الدنيا إن كان وجودها، كل السنين والشهور والأيام واللحظات الحلوة والمُرّة التي عاشتها، فضلَة حركة عشوائية لقدر غريب؟ كيف تسلك في الدنيا؟"

د. رضوى عاشور

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Being Rude.....

Couple of days ago, I was watching an ABC network program called 20/20. They're discussing the "modern" American habits, and how they're close\ far from being rude or polite. And they're also showing how the American habits affected the most polite nation in the world, Japan, and the people there- especially young ones- stopped being that polite, and they treat elders badly, eat in the streets, and so. They said that eating in the street- which is something I hate- is rude, coz eating has its manners and etiquette, when you yawn in public without covering your mouth, that's rude. That part of the program made me think of how people "are" these days, and how will their actions " in public" and "towards public" will be classified, if we look at yawning without covering mouth an indication of rudeness!!! It would be veeeeeeeery funny, coz we'll find layers and classes of rudeness, created by nowadays people. That episode was very interesting, and I wish that many people could see it, coz I don't know the reason for how people are acting these days. And I'm not talking about aristocratic and highly sophisticated manners, that refers to how royalty should act. I'm simply talking about common sense. For example; I was sitting today in a public transportation, with a very decent space between me and the woman sitting next to me. She wasn't large sized or any thing, and I'm not considered a large sized person my self, and yet she was - somehow- able to punch me with her elbow in my shoulder and arm couple of times just to get money out of her purse!!! and I don't know why, the space between us was more than enough to enable her to get the money out and even cross her legs without touching me!!! But I guess it was funnier the other way!!!! I just can't understand why people can't grasp the concept of personal space. Every person needs a space around him, where he\she can move freely, and breathe without touching another one.. A space of 50 cm will do just fine, but it seems like people would refuse to do without punching and poking each other in the eye! Why do we have to sit tightly next to each other, or stand face to face as if we're about to kiss though we're definitely not!!! Maybe it's a way of feeling safe?! Or trying to feel loved by force?! At 20/20 also, they discussed the "rude boss".... And that's a MAJOR issue as we all know. They showed a part of a movie for Kevin spacey, where he was a boss from hell( I can't really remember the name of the movie now), but he was BEYOND rude, he was impolite and so very insensitive. And they said that most employees suffer from such bosses!!! and that also, of course, made me wonder... What about the people in our country?! Do they suffer from rude bosses?? I survived "some" bosses so far, but the one I'm trying to survive right now....... OH Lord!!!!! he's just unbelievable!!! He could be laughing with you, and you both could be saying jokes or whatever, and suddenly.....180 degrees on the opposite direction!!! He remembers something he asked of you 100 years ago, and starts yelling at you, and I mean yelling!! Or he asks you about something, and you find the odyssity to tell him " I don't know"... Now you brought hell on yourself.. When he's dealing with male employees, he could call them funny names, and as for females, he could make fun of us when we do something not as he expects them to be done.. The funny thing is, when you ask him about how he wants things done, he "howls" at you not to be a lazy a** and bother him with details!! Anyway, he's just one of the people. The question is why are we like this? How come we're so inconsiderate, and thoughtless of others? What happened to respect? Of course all these questions go in vain...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi ana sara ana kaman aw2at batfarag 3ala 20/20 bernameg gamed awe..ana fahma asdek mn kol il kalam da w in fi kawa3id lazem natabe3ha ...bas el 7a2i2 ana aw2at bab2a 7'arga mn el gam3a w ga3ana gedan fa bageb korwaso w akol fi el share3 w aw2at ba3mil keda l2ani ba7eb keda ...ma3lishi ba2a sama7 :)