
أتساءل: ما الذي تفعله امرأة تشعر انها بالصدفة، بالصدفة المحضة، بقيت على قيد الحياة؟ كيف تسلك في الدنيا إن كان وجودها، كل السنين والشهور والأيام واللحظات الحلوة والمُرّة التي عاشتها، فضلَة حركة عشوائية لقدر غريب؟ كيف تسلك في الدنيا؟"

د. رضوى عاشور

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Labyrnith

You could really get lost in here....
In the "Blog Sphere" i mean.. one blog leads to another.. and annother leads to another.. and so on.
But one thing that's very good of this Labyrnith, is that you get to listen to people talking, and many of them saying great things, about themselves, about life, about other people...
If i try to link to all the posts or blogs i liked so far, it'd be a link blog, not my blog :)
I've read to wonderfull people, they actually make me feel like i don't know how to feel...
It's ok and kindda strange when other people can describe the way you feel in a particular moment, when they say what you're feeling right now without you knowing them or vice versa.
That's why i know we're all the same, we all feel the same things, cry for the same sorrows, laugh at the same jokes, no matter if we're near or far... but the bottom line is we're all humans.
I just wish that as we all have the same feelings, thoughts and agony, we could be more sypathised with each other. Try to be in each others' shoes for a while and really understand how much we are alike, and stop fighting over nonesense.
It's just a wish anyway...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi ana sara el post da 3agabni gedan gedan w fi3lan lama te2ri 7ekayat el nas 3n nafsohom w 3an 7ayathom tla2i inik kaman 7asalik shabah keda w 7asiti bezabt keda w fri7ti keda w 3ayati keda ...fi3lan kol el nas zay ba3d el bo3ad w el 2orayibin eli beyetkalimo 3arabi w eli beyetkalimo lo3'at tanya el a3'niya w el fo2ra kolina shabah ba3d w zay ba3d ..yarit bas el nas tefham da w te7iso