
أتساءل: ما الذي تفعله امرأة تشعر انها بالصدفة، بالصدفة المحضة، بقيت على قيد الحياة؟ كيف تسلك في الدنيا إن كان وجودها، كل السنين والشهور والأيام واللحظات الحلوة والمُرّة التي عاشتها، فضلَة حركة عشوائية لقدر غريب؟ كيف تسلك في الدنيا؟"

د. رضوى عاشور

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Paris ... and maybe more

Maxxedout asked me; why Paris?
Actually i wish i could go there, to live for a while. A while that allows me to know some streets and shops, some hang-outs, a flee market maybe.
A while that allows me to know almost each piece displayed at the Louvre, to have a dozen of portraits drawn for me by street artists. Maybe go to the Opera a couple of times..

A while that allows me to learn shortcuts of ways,

To cross most of the bridges, and to walk along the river Seine..just hope i spelled it right...

A while that allows me to take Le Tour Eiffel almost for granted when running by it away from the rain, only to find that i'm already soaking wet for i have walked under the rain for some while now and it's no use of running, so i may turn back to pay my greetings for it and head back home but slowly this time.....

A while that allows me to know a couple of people there, who i can hang out with, have a nice hot cup of Cocoa in a nice cafe and watch the rain pouring... And maybe learn a couple of bad names in french - if that's ever possible, coz like Dr. Ahmed Khaled Tawfik, i can't imagine a swearing or cursing in french...

A while that allows me to rent a small flat- a studio- with a window with an inner pane where i can sit on in the morning, drink coffe or tea and watch the streets awaken... and with a small balcony where i can have a plant or two... plants with flowers...

I dunno how could i or would i ever do that or go there... but it's nice to dream about something and some place far away...
Maybe as well - after Paris- i'd go to Venice, Rome, Morrocco, Tunisia, and some of the Caribbean Islands and build myself a hut there, and be burried in the Ocean....

Maybe.... who knows


maxxedout said...

I live at a stone throw from Opera and i know Paris like the back of my hand ... I hope you're jealous hehe
And btw .. a tiny studio with a balcony and a view in Paris would cost you a FORTUNE !

Ayat said...

It'd cost me a fortune even if it's in Toshka :)

and i'm not jealous, just envious :p (ha2or 3alek lelsob7 :P)