
أتساءل: ما الذي تفعله امرأة تشعر انها بالصدفة، بالصدفة المحضة، بقيت على قيد الحياة؟ كيف تسلك في الدنيا إن كان وجودها، كل السنين والشهور والأيام واللحظات الحلوة والمُرّة التي عاشتها، فضلَة حركة عشوائية لقدر غريب؟ كيف تسلك في الدنيا؟"

د. رضوى عاشور

Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Soeur Sarrina

i adored her, she was my role model. she tought me english in fourth grade, and till now i still remember which words i learnt in that year. i used to hate the english class before she started teaching for us, but after that year, anglish became a good friend of mine. she was the first person ever - other than my father- that saw i had potentials. she used to treat me as the class's leader, she really believed in me, and always supported me in everything. she was always proud of me, and i believe it was the begining for me in trusting people other than my parents. she was lebanese, or maybe syrian, i didn't really know. and she spoke in a very nice arabic slang that was half egyptian and half "shamy", i really loved her accent. i don't know if she's still alive, but if i could see her again, i would kiss her hand, and bow for her, coz if someone ever deserves such treatment, that would be people like my "Sister" Sarrina.....


صديق قديم said...

انا شفت واحدة اسمها سرينا فى مسلسل رافت الهجان يمكن هى

عموما من علمنى حرفا صرت له عبدا حتى لو كان علادا العونة قصدى شامى

Anonymous said...

hi ana sara ana beyethaya2li ini law kan 3andi modarisi zay el modaresa beta3tik de keda ...kont hab2a 7aga tanya 7'alis ...7aga 7elwa awe