Maybe.... who knows
أتساءل: ما الذي تفعله امرأة تشعر انها بالصدفة، بالصدفة المحضة، بقيت على قيد الحياة؟ كيف تسلك في الدنيا إن كان وجودها، كل السنين والشهور والأيام واللحظات الحلوة والمُرّة التي عاشتها، فضلَة حركة عشوائية لقدر غريب؟ كيف تسلك في الدنيا؟"
د. رضوى عاشور
Maybe.... who knows
شخص ما، هو المسؤل عن "الركوبة"- وليس السائق- يقف مجاوراً لبابها أو بعده أو قبله، يظل ينادى بصوت جهورى أجش، ينادى ينادى ينادى: "إكتوبر، إكتوبر، إكتوباار" ، محاولا استدرار عطف الباحثين عن "ركوبة"، ليحولوا وجهتهم من أى مكان الى "إكتوباااار" رحمة به وبحنجرته المسكينة.
she tought me mathematics in 3rd grade.and i won't say anything other than ................................ I HATE MATHS.
She tought me french, she had a great deal of knowledge, but she was nervous and always had a temper.. that we're afraid to say a word in class, even to ask. But i still remember some of her expressions till now... whenever we made noise when she leaves the class for seconds, she used to come in and say " meen el 7'arofaya elly etkalemet".. and we used to laugh in our sleeves till we lose breath.... i can't say i totally hated her, she was okay.
she didn't teach for me... but she was the break supervisor.... and i believe she would've loved to have that remote control that adam sandler had in "Click" just to mute us when we played.....
She was very educated, and very wise, she was really our big sister.. at breaks, she used to hang out with us, tell us stories that was funny and very educative... i trusted her blindly... her opinion was lways right.. she was very moderate, understanding, and fun to accompany...... Love you Sister.
that almost wraps up nuns who tought for me.
as for regular teachers..... we had some... i entirly appreciate 4 of them:
* Mrs. Thanaa Mrs. Fatma Ms. Geena and Mr. Alaa
Mrs. Thanaa and Mrs Fatma tought for me Arabic and religion, i wouldn't have known how to read if it weren't for them.
Ms. Geena...... She was like a mentor for me.... she was the one that encouraged my drawing talent, helped me participate in school fairs and so. and she remembered me at once when she saw me after 8 whole years....... "love you".
Mr. Alaa.... treated me like'm his older son!!! he used to call me "7amoksha" and i used to tell him jokes, and he used to dare me to finish the year's novel in a month... i used to finish it in one day... he was my buddy.
Miss you all guys... you the ones i loved, and even you the ones i hated back then.... no matter what, you were the people who helped form the person who i am today.....
thank you all.